Workshop mit Paolo Frigoli

Hands-on Communication
When we come into physical contact with our pupils we open up a two-way path of communication. While we collect sensory information through our hands, we also communicate information about the use of ourselves. In this workshop we will explore ways of enhancing our ability to feel what happens in our pupils with our hands and to facilitate a change toward a better state by means of our own use. We’ll discover that the process of undoing and releasing into a good direction may happen in many ways, often different from what we expect. Hands contact becomes a form of dialogue that interacts with other aspects of teaching the Alexander Technique and may change our consideration of what we see and what we hear from our students, hence what we think, say and do with them.

Der Workshop ist für alle Alexander-Technik LehrerInnen und auch StudentInnen im 3. Ausbildungsjahr offen,
GATOE-Mitglieder haben Vorrang.

Der Workshop ist von GATOE gesponsert und wird von Andreas Sandri organisiert.
GATOE-Mitglieder bezahlen € 30.- / StudentInnen € 25.-. Nicht-GATOE-Mitglieder: € 60.-
Die maximale Teilnehmeranzahl ist 12

Die Beginnzeit (vormittags) wird noch fixiert, bei Bedarf ev. ein 2. Workshop am Nachmittag
Dauer: 3 Stunden
Wann: Sonntag 9. März 2025
Wo: Lustgasse 3, Tür 41, 4. Stock, 1030 Wien

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Paolo Frigoli trained as an Alexander Technique teacher from 1989 to 1992. In subsequent years he spent long periods of professional development in the UK at the Brighton Alexander Training Centre directed by John and Carolyn Nicholls, while also taking regular lessons from Walter Carrington and Peggy Williams. Since then he has kept working regularly with John Nicholls who has become his mentor. Paolo has taught the Technique for over 30 years individually and in groups, both in his private studio and in public institutions, and has been invited to teach in various Alexander training schools in Europe, USA and Brazil. He was on the Continuous Learning faculty at the International Congresses in Lugano 2008 and Berlin 2022. In 2015 he started his own STAT-approved teacher training course in Italy. Paolo qualified as a physiotherapist in 1989, then trained in the Mézières method with Dr. Laura Bertelé and in the Cranio-Sacral Therapy of Dr. John Upledger, which is still part of his daily practice.